Validate AMP html in current folder and subfolder

Tested on windows machine, This is just some quick way to validate multiple AMP html using amphtml-validator


  • amphtml-validator

    run npm install -g amphtml-validator to install globally

  • ruby

Folder structure example

(for ilustration only)

. (current folder)
|   grid.css
|   index.html
|   index2.html
|   rakefile


create rakefile in the root of your project with following code:

require 'colorize'

desc 'Test website AMP validation'
task :amp do
  puts 'Running AMP Validator...'.yellow.bold
  # basedir = '.'
  files = Dir.glob("**/*.html")
    files.each do |file|
      system("amphtml-validator #{file}")

Run rake

on your terminal / command promt, run rake amp


Sample output, depend on your actual file. Here, my index2.html failed because my html tag was wrong.

Running AMP Validator...
index.html: PASS
index2.html:2:0 The mandatory attribute '⚡' is missing in tag 'html ⚡ for top-level html'. (see
new/index3.html: PASS

There are two main directory where the repo keeps it’s images files : /images and ‘/uploads’. Here, we use gulp-imagemin to compress the images files, in various quality

  1. Loseless
  2. Lossy 80%, 50%, and 10% to exagerate the compression level, so that we can clearly see the difference.